1. My Hair
My stylist told me not to wash my hair because hair holds a curl better when it’s dirty. Now, I know my hair so I told her I thought I should wash it because it always looks best and holds a curl best when it is clean; but she insisted I not wash it. I should have gone with myself because no one knows me like I do. My hair looked fine, but I know it could have looked much better. My passed roommate Candice did my hair the night I got engaged and for my engagement photos and it looked perfect (to my standards) both times…

2. My Jewelry
Sam and I were living in Utah while he finished school; however we married in the Oakland temple. I went to California a week before the wedding to help ensure everything was ready. The day before Sam flew out to join me I remembered that I didn’t bring my wedding jewelry with me to California. All of my things were packed up and stuffed in Joanna’s garage (bless her heart for lending me the space, no idea what we’d have done without her). I had no idea which box I’d packed my jewelry in, and I didn’t want Sam to have to tear through all of my boxes to find it so I let it go; even though Sam insisted he’d be happy to do it. I should have had him go on a treasure hunt. The jewelry was a matching necklace and bracelet of baby pearls with rose gold links. I got them as a gift from a family friend for my 6th birthday. They were much too big at the time, but I remember thinking they were beautiful and I wanted to keep them to wear on my wedding day as my “something old”. Luckily, my grandma brought me beautiful pearl drop earrings to wear on my special day so I wasn’t completely without.

3. My tan, or lack of
Although I have given up my sun-worshiping due to the prospective wrinkles and/or cancer, I should have made an exception for my wedding day. It makes my skin look better, and let’s be honest, everyone looks better with a little color.

4. My Make up
I am pretty sure I did my own make up. I am not sure why I didn’t get it done. I mean I got it done for every single high school dance, so why not my wedding? I do an all right job, but in my opinion it never looks as good as when a professional does it.

For these reasons I am seriously considering having my photos retaken for my 2 year anniversary (just 2 weeks away). Why not do it while my dress still fits, and Sam still has his tux right? Please note, I love the photos from my wedding day, I am not fishing for compliments. There are about 10 photos that I am completely obsessed with. I just know that I didn't look my best and every girl should look her best in her wedding photos. But if I do have them redone, am I going to look back and be like well these are nice photos of me in my wedding dress, 2 years later. The photos wouldn't hold the same significance, right? Like why not just get regular photos done? Hm... I may have just talked myself out of this.