Monday, November 2, 2009

For the Bird

I am a little scared.
I can't leave my house.
I am hearing loud noises.
Why you ask?

What the freak is it you ask? A Black-crowned Night Heron. I looked it up.
It's perched right outside my front door.
I am not kidding, I'm pretty scared.

Sam's reply? At least it isn't this guy:

My biggest bird fear?


Tere said...

I would be scared!! Did you ever see the movie "birds"... you'd move to some place that prohibited birds forever. When you leave your house put a plastic or paper (less chance of suffocating) bag over your head so he can't pluck out your eyes or hair!!

tiff and chris johnson said...

HAHAH! Oh my gosh that shark bird is amazing! I want to frame him! I have made some of ellie's headbands but not the hat (nordys). Shinotas in long beach I think or Santa Ana has really great flowers! That's where they are all from!

The Palmers said...

ha! what IS that??