Friday, January 22, 2010


I try not to get super personal on my blog. My blog isn’t private so I try to be kind of careful, but recently I have been experiencing something other women could benefit from so I want to share something very personal.
Since July Sam and I have been trying to get pregnant. I naively thought, if we started trying in July, we’d be pregnant in August. August came, and I was extremely surprised I wasn’t pregnant. And, as August turned into September and then October I began to get concerned. I have always been “regular”. I never had any pain or anything that would cause me to suspect there would be any issues. I would check internet sites that would profess that each month a woman has a 20% chance of getting pregnant. I would hear all of my friends who didn’t get pregnant until trying for a year, so it seemed like I had to keep trying and hoping until my 12 months were up even though inside I felt like something must be wrong. On paper, I should have been pregnant right away (even my doctor says so). Luckily I have an older sister who cares a lot about me and sent me several books on the subject, one specifically (Dr. Marrs Fertility Book) that goes through EVERYTHING related to fertility. Before reading the book I felt a lot of pressure to “try” for an entire year before getting checked out by a physician. My primary care doctor told me to wait and my friends told me to wait but being impatient I couldn’t put it off any longer. If there was something wrong, I was anxious to know what it was. My thought, if there is something wrong, knowing now vs. 6 months from now is a better option. And after the first few pages of Dr. Marrs’ book, I called and made an appointment with my doctor. I then read as much of the book as I could to prep for the meeting. At the appointment I told my OB I wasn’t getting pregnant. He prescribed me all kinds of medication I didn’t think I’d need without asking me anything about my cycle, my history, my family history. Luckily, I’d read Dr. Marrs’ Fertility Book and knew what information the doctor needed to know to help my specific situation. I told him what I thought needed to be looked at, and he agreed to run the test I’d requested. I received a phone call 4 days later confirming my suspicion that something is in fact wrong, and there is in fact a way to treat it, which is where we are at today. I know what is wrong! It is the best feeling in the world. I am not sure how long it will be before the issue is corrected but knowing the issue is such a huge relief. I actually cried when the nurse told me, I cried because I was happy! Happy I knew. Knowing is the best feeling in the world. Honestly, unexplained infertility was my biggest fear. Now that I know what the problem is we can work on correcting it. Really what I want to accomplish by writing this post is to tell women reading this who may be in a similar situation that your fertility is up to you. You need to do your research! Let me qualify that by saying you need to read books by credible doctors. The internet is an easy place to look, but you never know where the information is coming from. Do not rely on advice from friends and family members; learn what will work for you. Loved ones have the best of intentions with their advice (and they do have LOTS of advice), but each woman is so
different that really what works for someone else, will not necessarily work for you. My problem is not yet solved but I am so happy I went to my doctor and had the right information. You have to be your own advocate. Doctors are busy; they have a lot of patients and usually have a very busy schedule (especially OBs who are delivering babies at any minute of the day). It is up to you to find out as much as you can.

Side note, if your friend/family member tells you they are having trouble getting pregnant, under NO circumstance should you take that opportunity to tell them how easy it was for you, or how fertile you are, or how all your husband has to do is look at you and you are impregnated. It is very inappropriate and makes women feel awful. If you are reading this and you can’t believe that anyone would say something so insensitive you should know almost every single woman I talked to who didn’t have issues getting pregnant said this to me. I have no idea why this would seem like the right thing to say but apparently a lot of women think it’s acceptable. It isn’t.


kc said...

Well said, Heather. So happy for you!!

Tere said...

Great blog Heddy!! You have helped many women with this blog! Love you

Unknown said...

this is sweet. and i will definitely keep this in mind for the future. :) thanks for the advice...and good luck- i hope everything is all worked out soon and you guys can start your own family.

sarawhat said...

I'm so glad that went and saw a Dr and you're on the path to a baby. That's so exciting. And good for you for getting to the Dr and getting the job done. I know a lot of women wait and wait because they are afraid of what their answer will be. I hope all those women who told you it was easy for them to get pregnant were trying to convey that they had a hard time relating to your situation... they just didn't do it with much tact. And honestly, more than once I have realized that I've said something stupid to a woman struggling with fetility because it's such a sensitive topic and I don't really know what to say. I have kicked myself more than once for saying something then realizing that it was probably really insesitive. It's hard to know what to say to someone going through what you are going through when you haven't been through it yourself. What I'm saying is, just tell yourself "they have never been through this and have no idea that what they just said really hurts me" and move on. YOu'll be happier for it! Good luck Heather! I'm really excited for you to become and Mom. YOu'll love it.

Heather Ashby said...

Sara that's exactly why I wrote this post. Obviously women don't know what they shouldn't say. An appropriate reply would be, "oh I am so sorry, that must be really difficult to go through. I really hope you get pregnant really soon."

Rich and Erin said...

Hey Heather, it's Erin (Lauritzen), now Psillos. I haven't seen or talked to you in years, but I stumbled across your blog and appreciated this post. Rich and I are not trying for a baby yet, but will be in a few months and for some reason I have this fear that it might not happen right away like we want. I don't know why I feel that way. So thanks for sharing your thoughts. I really hope things work out for you guys! Best of luck!!

PS- I can totally relate to your "New Phenomenon" post. People used to call me Lauren all the time. A mix of Erin and Lauritzen I guess. Super annoying

Brooke said...

Heather! I am so happy to read about what's going on with you in AZ and know that when everything finally lines up you will be an amazing mom! My best friend has been going through the EXACT same thing with infertility. She has been trying for over 4 years now, but I always tell her to not give up hope and that everyone around her will be praying for her and her hubby! Just as i am sure your friends and family are praying for you! I am so sorry to hear about some of the things other women have said to you, and hope that they one day realize just how hurtful words can be when you aren't careful! Keep your head up and keep smiling and the big guy upstairs will bless you when the time is perfect! Love ya!

The Knisley's said...

Sweet Heather! It's Faye here...I came across your blog while looking at Tamir's...LOL...

Anyhow- what a great blog entry. My husband and I couldn't conceive for 4 years and are finally I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. In fact, I've considered writing a BOOK on the matter.

I completely agree with being in charge of your fertility. There are SO many people who just wait around biding their time & driving themselves nuts before they finally go to a Doctor. Knowledge is power and knowing what's wrong can really bring a lot of peace to those who are silently suffering!

The best thing we ever did was to go directly to a fertility specialist instead of just taking my Gyno's word for it and being prescribed unnecessary meds that I didn't need. We don't always need to be prescribed a ton of medication. I had my ferility doctor run some tests and chatted with him about my cycle and history...which really helped.

My prayers are with you. We've done A LOT of different tests/procedures before getting pregnant (along with saying many, many prayers). So- if you ever have any questions, and if you feel comfortable, don't hestitate to contact me. I'm more than happy to help. I am like the poster child for inferility. LOL. Much love to you and I hope your prayers are answered soon!
