Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tough and yet not so tough

Having our new baby boy James in the house is amazing. He's so sweet, and cute, and I just cuddle him all day and all night long. He's so fun to have around and somehow I don't really remember what life was like before he came along. Sam and I are both smitten with this little guy. I take 100 photos of him every day because he seems to change so fast, I want to remember every look, every face, every stage.
Right now I am trying to figure out how to do normal things with a baby. I didn't leave my house for 2 weeks straight. I pretty much sat home and held my little day and night. I realized I needed to go to the market today so I ventured all the way to Safeway (which is directly across the street from where we live) and within 5 minutes of being at the market, James was screaming bloody murder. So much for errands. Is it normal to be scared to leave the house? I've been reassured by all of my friends and sister that this is a temporary thing and in a few weeks James will be much more tolerable of outings. I'm hopeful.
Meanwhile he has the cutest lips I've ever seen:

1 comment:

Kath said...

It took me 2 full months to be brave enough to go to the grocery store by myself. lol.

You remind me very much of myself as a mother. I learned some tricks eventually... have the car ready to go, be ready to go.. and the second I finish nursing the baby hop in and we're off!

In the beginning it's also not worth it for big long trips. Dont do all that grocery shopping for the month for ex. Just get enough for a few days and you can sneak away again in a few days.

But be patient with yourself too. It's such a big adjustment having a baby at home.. you just need to let yourself figure it out when you are ready. <3!!!! He's so beautiful!!!