Friday, January 28, 2011


James is 10 weeks and 3 days.
James does not sleep through the night.
James still eats every two hours (day and night); yes full feedings.
James screams bloody murder if I try to wait 2 hours and 1 minute to feed him.
James is 15lbs.

James still has acid reflux.
James has several chins:

James loves to go on walks

James cries every time he burps or spits up.
James' colic is MUCH better :)
James naps have to be on mama:

James loves his daddy!
James loves to flare his nostrils:

We're sure lucky to have this little guy; we love him very much.


Brittany Sorensen said...

Your little guy is pretty dang cute. :] Jack didn't sleep through the night until he was about ten weeks old. I was SO ready for him to sleep through the night, and the first time he did, I woke up and ran to his crib to make sure he was still breathing!! I am sure the first time James sleeps through the night, you will think the same thing.... ;]

Brooke said...

That little whale shirt is awesome! He is getting so big. So cute and fun!

madeleine said...

Max is 7 months and still doesn't sleep through the night, so don't you feel like little James is behind! :) He's so cute and we can't wait to see him this week!

BreAnne Kavanagh said...

He is so so cute Heather! His lips are absolutely adorable :) He is getting so big. You look great, let us know if you make it to Moorpark anytime in the near future :)

K+C=M+K said...

I love reading all of this and seeing all your pictures! I WISH Malia would nap on me- she never did that! I'm jealous!! James is the cutest thing ever btw- love him! You're a good mama Heather!