Thursday, July 10, 2008

So you think you can DANCE DANCE DANCE

So I love "So You Think You Can Dance", seriously I look forward to it all week. This is my first season watching it and I started because my best friend Natalie's dance partner is on it and he's amazing. In case you are wondering it's Mark. I haven't met him or anything but he's an incredible dancer.

(That's Nat and Mark). I don't vote but I really want Mark to at least be in the top 5. Chelsea is my favorite girl now, since Kourtni was eliminated last week :(

Side note, I miss my friends. For the first time in, well ever, I have nothing but free time and I have no one to hang out with. Thank goodness Ambyr and my Mom also have free time to chat with me on the phone, but I need someone to hit up the pool with me... Christie why'd you have to leave??


The Palmers said...

what?!! i love him!! they're my favorite couple this season for sure, and he's my favorite guy. i didn't know you were obsessed with that show too! ha i guess we both have a little free time on our hands... and believe me, i wish you were here to keep me company to swim and cook as well.

Chadna said...

I love it TOO!!! They are So talented and are definitely out of my top 3 couples. I would be so bold to say my top couple.